Jessica & Scott

Saturday, March Eighth, Two Thousand Twenty-Five • Chanhassen, MN, USA

Jessica & Scott

Saturday, March Eighth, Two Thousand Twenty-Five • Chanhassen, MN, USA

Our Story

How Jess and Scott Met

We met over the phone while Scott was working remotely. Jess met Scott's sister Leslie at a local bar and the two of them became friends. Leslie said "you should meet my brother". While on the phone, Jess wanted to see Scotts Facebook page. When Leslie pulled it up, Jess' initial response was "he's too old!". Scott's automatic response was "well she's not that cute anyway".

We met in person in December of 2020 at a get together at Leslie and Kevin's house. It was the heart of COVID when we spent a lot of time hanging out at home having dinks and smoking cigars in the garage. Scotts initial response to meeting Jess in person was "Wow, she's really cute!". Jess' initial response was that Scott super funny and definitely didn't act his age. We started hanging out and got to know each other over the months and then finally decided to start dating. Now 4 years later, we have a comfy home in Champlin, a perfect fur baby Harley, AND we're getting Married!


Where did you get engaged?

Jess strictly prohibited a public engagement! She doesn't like to be in the spotlight. We had tickets to go see Footloose at Chanhassen Dinner Theater. As Jess is in the middle of getting ready (aka trying to figure out what to wear), Scott proposed. They went to Footloose and left halfway through to go celebrate.

What was your most memorable date?

Scott: For me, the most memorable date was when we went to Birch's on the Lake to celebrate our birthdays (our birthdays are 6 days apart). It was a romantic date, great conversation and food. That's when I knew I wanted to marry her.

Jess: Scott and I took a cooking class at Cooks of Crocus Hill. It was an interactive class where a chef taught us how to make a meal (apple pork tenderloin, gnocchi, and some other things). I was so much fun working together to cook the meal, the whole experience was great!

What's your favorite activity to do together?

Travel. We both love camping (so does our dog Harley), being by water, riding our motorcycle, and spending time in the mountains. We're pretty much up for any vacation destination!

What's your funniest holiday story?

Our first Thanksgiving (2021) we were going to spend with Jess' family at Andrea and Ryan's house. All of the food was made and ready then someone came down with COVID so the get together had to be cancelled. We put trash bags over our clothes, rubber gloves on, and goggles and drove to Andrea's house to pick up Thanksgiving dinner to go. So many laughs!

* you can find a pic of us dressed up on our photos page.

What's you most memorable trip?

Arizona Bike Week 2023! Throughout the week and a half that we were there we ended up breaking down 3 times (and by breaking down we mean wheels falling off our camper twice and a wheel shredding the third). We spent well over 24 hours on the side of the road or at a truck stop waiting for roadside assistance. We managed to make the best of it and now laugh at the story!